We have reached 38 weeks! We are finally full term and baby should be coming to visit us any day. The last 2 visits that I had to the doctor made me think that he would be here a little early. However, we have had no signs of labor and are still pregnant. Clearly he is in no hurry to come out and is enjoying his time in there. I have had days where I have experienced the wonderful Braxton Hicks contractions and it overwhelms me with joy to know how the real ones are going to feel...not. These 'preparation' contractions are far from comfortable and can be painful. At the last visit to the doctor, we were 3 centimeters dilated and already 80% effaced! She said that this was a great sign that his head is low and in the perfect position that he should easily come out. He weighs a little over 7 pounds now which means he is decent size, I just hope he doesn't get much bigger while he is in there. We will see at our visit on Thursday how much things have progressed. Mommy thinks that he will come on Sunday the 12th and Daddy thinks that he will be here on Thursday the 16th. We definitely don't think that he will be here on or past his due date.
In the time being, Mommy is staying at home taking it easy. It is hard to be on my feet for too long or sitting for too long as my feet swell incredibly and my back doesn't agree with me either. It's hard staying at home when I have already got everything done. I made sure to have our bags packed after our last doctors appointment as I wasn't sure how soon he would be joining us so at this point it is simply a waiting game. I am getting more and more nervous as the days go on to give birth. Although I know that I will be just fine, my natural instinct is to be scared of what is to come. I will be so relieved when he is finally out and I know that the scary part is over. I think I will miss the feeling of him moving around inside of me, feeling his kicks and hiccups every day. However, I know that I will not miss the backaches, swollen feet, inability to bend over and definitely won't miss wearing maternity clothes. Although they are comfortable (most of the time), they definitely don't make me feel the most flattering and can occasionally be a pain to wear. Not only that, but we are ready to be able to hold our little guy and admire all of him from the outside and enjoy the little one that we created together. It's such an amazing feeling already and he isn't even here yet.
How Far Along? 38 weeks
Total Weight Gain: That remains between me and the scale.
Size Of Baby: He is comparable to a small watermelon. He weighs around 7 pounds and is around 20 inches long!(We will see how accurate this is when he gets here)
What's Baby Up To? We are full term! Baby's organs and internal systems are fully developed now. Although they will continue to mature the longer he is in there, he would be a healthy baby if he came tomorrow.
Maternity Clothes? Yep. When I am at home, I'd rather be in sweats.
Stretch Marks? Sure do. Wont ever go away.
Sleep: I am able to sleep through the night pretty good, but I usually wake up between 3 and 5 every morning to use the bathroom. It's like clockwork.
Miss Anything? My normal clothes, wearing my wedding ring.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing how dilated and effaced that we were. It made it that much more real and exciting the he could be here any minute.
Movement: Like crazy. Sometimes more movement than other times but he definitely has let me know that he has run out of room.
Food Cravings: I have been enjoying a lot of fruits and vegetables lately.
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick: Luckily no.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Not yet. Still having some Braxton Hicks contractions.
Symptoms: Heartburn, swelling, inability to bend over. Ha.
Belly Button: Still an innie. Don't think it's going to pop with this baby.
Wedding Rings: Currently off, makes me sad.
Happy or Moody: Happy most days!
Looking Forward To: Mason finally arriving!
We will see if we make it another week and I will be able to do another post before he is here. The last thing to do is finish the blanket that I am making for him and installing his car seat and we are all systems go! My hope is that the next post is for his announcement coming into the world, not that I am still pregnant for another week!